Having Practiced Yoga For So Long, Do You Know What Is The “Bandha” And How To Use It?
Dec 16, 2024In sanskrit, the word bandha means 'lock' or 'seal'. Yogis use certain muscles to form these seals to prevent prana from escaping the body. If practised correctly, they can also help to stabilise your core during asana practice and keep you safe from injury.
How Can You Escape Your Comfort Zone And Get Fuller And Better Looking Back Muscles Like Your Pecs?
Dec 16, 2024Maybe you don't like to train on fixed equipment because it limits your training trajectory, or maybe you don't like to do cardio because too much cardio can make you lose muscle?
Are Squats The Only Way To Build Fuller Legs? Do You Know All These Training Moves?
Dec 15, 2024In addition to being big enough to attract the attention of the entire gym, you can also do oversized squats and hard pulls. Partner up with a buddy and you'll have a great leg workout.
Slow Progress In Yoga Practice? See If There Are Any Of These Bad Habits When Practicing Yoga
Dec 15, 2024We all have bad habits. So we can have bad habits when practising yoga. For a more effective practice, the following bad yoga habits should be changed.
How Far Can a Person Be Obsessed With Fitness? Andrew, Who Installed An Artificial Heart, Has The Answer
Dec 15, 2024The fitness industry is really booming today, thanks to the selfless dedication of those new to fitness. When you stay in the circle of fitness for a while you will find that there are always more people who give up fitness than stick to it, and it is these people who do the fitness card but do not go to training that feeds one gym after another.
There Are So Many Details About Pectoral Muscles, Which Ones Do You Use? Or Some Of Them Have Never Been Used?
Dec 14, 2024When it comes to the international chest training day, some of my buddies push 100kg and their pecs are thin, while his friend pushes 80kg and his pecs are two turns thicker.