
Strong legs not only make us look more powerful, but also improve the quality of our life. If we want to achieve a good training effect, we'd better make a plan in advance to help us train our muscles. The leg muscles are the focus of our lower body training, so today we introduce a leg building program, let's take a look!

Action one: High cup squat

Action essentials: First stand on the ground with legs apart, keep the distance between the feet and shoulder width; then use the wrist part of both hands to hold the dumbbell, then bend the legs, the upper body also followed by bending, until the thighs and the ground parallel. Do 20 sets, do 4 sets.


Action two: Dumbbell weighted wide distance squat

The main point of the action: First of all, the legs apart, and shoulder-width standing on the ground, and then hold a dumbbell in each hand, the arms remain straight down state, the next legs bent, arms and upper body remain unmoving. Do 15 sets, do 4 sets.


Action three: Single-leg squat

The main point of the action: Hands on the waist stand on the ground, and then a leg slightly raised so that the palm of the foot off the ground, the next legs bent at the same time, the upper body also followed the downward movement, the arms remain unmoving. Do 10 sets, do 5 sets.

Action four: Deep squat jump

The main points of the action: First of all, stand on the ground with legs apart, separated by the same distance as shoulder width, arms straight on both sides of the body; then bend the legs until the thighs are parallel to the ground, while the legs straighten forward, arms also keep vertical with the ground; next arms backward hard stretch, legs straight jump up, feet off the ground, the whole body moved up, repeat this action. 10 a group, do 4 groups.


Action five: Sumo squat

Action: Hands on the waist, legs apart and shoulder width standing on the ground, and then bend the legs until the thighs are parallel to the ground, the whole body moved down. 10 groups, do 5 groups.


Action six: Holding the head deep squat

Movement essentials: First two palms overlap in the back of the head area, legs apart standing, keep the distance and shoulder width, then bend the legs until the two thighs and the ground parallel. Do 15 a group, do 4 groups.