
What is the most important asana that modern people need to practice? Not difficult inversions or twists, what we need most is to open the chest! Open the heart chakra! Hunched backs caused by sedentary offices and stress, depression and restlessness caused by fast-paced life.

In this sequence below, we will open the chest cavity through asana exercises.

Hint: You will need a few pillows and blankets. First warm up by doing the bhajans before starting the following exercises

Wild pose

Start in downward facing dog. Lift your left leg and compact your right foot on the ground. Bend your left knee and slowly turn your torso to the left. Lower the left foot towards the floor behind you. As your toes come to rest on the mat, bring your left hand up to the sky to lift your chest. Inhale and place your left hand on your chest. Focusing your attention on your heartbeat, stay here for 3 to 5 breaths, then slowly return to downward facing dog and repeat on the other side.

Upper dog pose

From downward facing dog, move forward into plank pose with your legs straight and toes pointing back onto the mat. Place your palms on the mat next to your chest with your fingers spread wide. Straighten your elbows as you push your chest forward and up. Lift your thighs off the mat. Feel the powerful, loving energy enter your heart from your toes. Open your collarbones. Imagine your shoulder blades gently resting on your heart. Stay here for 3 to 5 breaths.

Locust pose

Begin in upward facing dog pose with your arms at your sides, lowering your abdomen. Inhale and lift your head, chest and arms. Pull your shoulder blades back and allow your heart to open. Gaze forward, keeping your neck and chin relaxed. On the next breath, lift your legs. Keep your pelvis and abdomen on the ground. Straighten your hands back or cross them behind you. Breathe here 3 to 5 times and return to the floor.

Warrior's pose i

From locust pose to downward facing dog pose. The right foot comes forward between the hands and the left foot is turned slightly outwards. Bend the right knee 90 degrees, inhale and raise the arms up. Lift your chest. Imagine that the energy in your mind moves up through your arms to your hands and fingers, will hold for 5 to 10 breaths, lower your arms and return to downward facing dog. Repeat on the other side.

Reverse warrior pose, variation

Return to warrior i on the right. Rotate the left toes to point to the long side of the mat, opening the torso to the left. Place arms in warrior ii position. Turn the right palm over. Inhale and place the left hand on the back of the left thigh while extending the right arm towards the sky. Feel the expansion of the chest and upper back. Exhale and place your left hand over your heart. Stay here for 3 to 5 breaths, then move into mountain pose. Repeat on the opposite side.

Reverse plank pose

Cane pose to begin. Straighten your legs. Place your hands behind your hips, palms down, shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing towards your feet. Inhale to compact your palms and lift your hips as high as you can while remaining comfortable, feeling the opening of your heart space. Imagine the energy of joy spreading from your heart. Let go of any sadness or fear. Let your breath be your guide for how long you hold the pose.

Fish pose variation

Place a yoga block lengthwise on the mat. Lie backwards and rest your spine on the yoga block, your chin should be flush with your forehead. If your chin is tilted upwards, place a yoga block under your head. Reach your arms out to the sides of your body and rest the backs of your hands on the floor. Open your feet slightly wider than your hips so that your inner knees are together. Inhale. As you exhale, allow your heart and throat to open and relax.

Supine bound angle pose

Place the short side of the pillow cushion against the sacrum. Lie on it with your knees bent and your feet resting on the mat. Place your arms comfortably at your sides with your palms up. Lower your knees to your sides and keep the soles of your feet together. You can use an aid under the knees for support. Close your eyes and focus on the rhythm of your open, loving heart. With each beat, release any fear or anxiety into the ground.