
First asana: Insect pose

Insect pose (also known as firefly pose) is a fun (and challenging) balancing asana that can be a little difficult to try empty-handed at first, so how about letting the chair be the launching pad for insect pose? Today take a stab at insect pose with your hips in the chair!

This movement is also a great way to build thigh strength. When sitting on a chair, there is no need to fix your arms under your legs, so the required leg strength's will feel obvious, while finding a sense of direction for your back and arms without potential stress on your arms.

With the help of the chair, you will learn: How to transfer weight to the arms? How to center yourself on your hips in order to float your hips up and down to maximize the downward pressure on your hands and abdominal lift. You can also switch back and forth between sitting in a chair and lifting a chair. Find the balance from there! And how to control and perfect the movement? So it's also a great way to enhance mobility.

Four steps to take you to unlock insect pose!

Step 1.

Sit in a chair with your legs straight, bend your body forward with your knees bent and place your arms on the floor (or bricks) between your legs with your heels on the bricks (if the chair seat is a little high for you) step 2.

Prepare abdominal muscles to activate exhale, fully straighten knees (bend and straighten legs repeat several times) knees extended, toes spread out, abdominal muscles activated send breath to back of body (important) make fibers of skin and muscles spread out and elongate (important) step 3.

Move hips further forward in the chair exhale, push hands into the floor or yoga block move weight forward onto arms at the same time, lift abdomen, hips hold position several breaths focus on moving breath to the back rib cage area begin to try to slowly straighten legs step 4.

Exhale when lowering the hips again when lifting again inhale and exhale again, repeat back and forth several times summary: This action, i think the focus of lifting the hips: Is to coordinate the lowering and lifting of the hips through the movement of the breath.

You can try it, if not with breathing and what is the state?

The second asana: Single-legged crane meditation pose

(one-legged crane zen pose) can be very useful to improve the stability and mobility of the legs, hips, shoulders and spine, as well as to lengthen and stretch the muscles of the back of the body.

What is the new method of one legged crane pose?

Step 1.

From a kneeling position, step your left leg forward to the outside of your left hand place your hand on the floor on the inside of your left knee step 2.

Body down will be the left shoulder across the back of the left knee then put the left hand on the floor of the outside of the left leg then take a breath and put both hands on the floor of the outside of the leg details: Five fingers fingers should be greatly open the root of the hand, the root should become wider, the body will be more stable step 3.

Exhale and move your weight backwards (sit backwards) so that you can lift your left foot off the floor lift your leg as straight as possible, rootless toes greatly open your left arm do not loose, note: Elbow is directly above the wrist step 4

Place the toes of the right foot under the foot and exhale, lift the right knee off the floor step 5.

As you exhale, swing your right knee to the side and place your right shin (just below the knee) on the back of your right arm hands to push the floor solid (with the reaction force given by the floor) step 6.

Exhale, when the body moves forward, then lift the right foot off the floor widen the collarbone, shoulder blades and back of the rib cage when the legs reach into the arms try to straighten the left leg and arms head up, keep the breath stay stable control.