
strength training appeals to you for all sorts of reasons, everyone wants to be in better shape and look good, and no one wants to get injured. You may have tried countless training programs to achieve the shape you want, but always feel like something is missing.
You may have completed 100kg on the bench press but your shoulders are too narrow, or you may have increased your biceps by 2cm but you are still being told you don't have enough arm detail, or your body shape has improved but your lower back is causing you problems. What exactly is missing from training?

the barbell row
nowadays we have to spend more time sitting than ever before and exercise less and less. With long office hours and commuting, we also don't know our bodies and postures very well. Whereas in the past the body was very attuned to the pressure exerted on it, now it has become very comfortable to sit. Joints become stiff and less flexible, while some muscles become inactive or overactive.
As a result, most of the little ones develop a posture in which the head is forward, the shoulders and upper back are drawn forward and inward, the lower back is tense, the hips are stiff and the hamstrings are constantly tense. This is detrimental to athletic performance and injury prevention, and is definitely not a good shape. The back muscles, gluteus maximus and core muscles need to be worked to make them stronger and their antagonists relaxed.

hard pull
look at the worst disadvantages
most training programs do not take into account the starting position and daily habits of the movement posture and how this can affect the whole posture. A typical set of muscle building exercises should have a 1:1 ratio of pushing to pulling movements, with the pushing movements focusing on the muscles in the front of the body and the pulling movements focusing on the muscles in the back of the body.
Also, what most guys do is target the muscles that are visible to the naked eye, such as the pecs and biceps, rather than the muscles in the back. Not only do they start training from the physique, but they also contribute to the problem by focusing on imperfect muscle groups.

upper incline dumbbell row
a better solution is to optimise joint mobility while increasing muscle mass, with the posterior chain muscles needing more attention. The posterior chain muscles, mainly the rotator cuff group, gluteus maximus and core muscles, combine movements with different angles and positions to stimulate different muscle fibres and promote overall development.
The central core muscle groups, namely the transversus abdominis, erector spinae, multifidus, diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles, these muscles stabilise the spine and pelvis through resistance movements. When the core muscles can be effectively stabilised, deep squats, hard pulls, dips and rows and other movements can be lifted.

posterior chain muscle group
basic method
if you have to sit at a desk for hours every day then try changing your posture first.
Pay attention to your posture - it all starts with brain awareness. Sit up straight, pull your head back, keep your neck neutral, tighten your shoulder blades, lift your chest, stretch your thoracic spine and support your abdomen. It may feel unnatural at first, it will become easier as you get fitter.

sitting in the office
one technique to ensure that you can maintain good posture at work, when sitting at a desk, is to place a tennis ball on the back of your chair to remind yourself of your posture, and doing thoracic stretches while sitting at your desk can also help.
Another factor to be aware of is the neck posture. If you feel comfortable, your neck should be in a neutral position with your head pulled back and slightly extended.

correct sitting posture
part 1: Warm-up
a four-day-a-week training programme designed to work the posterior chain muscles and core, improving posture, strength and aesthetics. Start with the following warm-up, which should also be done before each workout and on rest days.
1. Foam axis relaxation: Relax the pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi, quadriceps and adductors.
2. Stretching: Scapular lift, trapezius, pectoralis major, subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, hip flexors, quadriceps, adductors and calves.

greatest stretch
3. Flexibility training.
Cat pose stretching spine and pelvis; knee over wall ankle work; straddle greatest stretch thoracic spine stretch 4. Activation movements.
Elastic band abduction: 10-15 hip bridges: 10-15

stretching the back
part 2: Strength training
when it comes to building muscle, technique is key: The
for the back, focus on rowing variations from different angles, as well as external rotation of the shoulders. For the posterior thighs, focus on hip variations, as well as single-leg squat variations, glute bridges and hip abduction exercises. For the core muscles, focus on variations of resistance movements such as resistance to extension, resistance to lateral rotation and resistance to rotation.

single arm machine rowing
day 1: Upper body workout
exercise movement number of sets reps
superset 1.
1a. Upward incline dumbbell row 3 10-12
1b. Dumbbell backbone flyes 3 10-15
superset 2.
2a. Dumbbell bench press with opposite grip 3 10-12
2b. Dumbbell backbone flyes 3 12-20
superset 3.
3a. Machine single arm row 2 12-15
3b. Elastic band abduction 2 6-12
superset 4.
4a. Mine rack deep squat shoulder press 2 10-12
4b. Double-headers 2 30 seconds

smith apparatus romanian hard pull
day 2: Lower body workout
exercises sets reps
barbell romanian pull 4 10-12
giant set (3 rounds).
Reverse goat jerk 3 10-12
elastic band hip abduction 3 15-20
single leg hip dash 3 8-12
standing rope resistance rotation: 3 5-8

supine dumbbell raises
day 3: Upper body workout
training movements number of sets number of reps
superset 1.
1a. Seated high rope row 4 10-12
2b. Standing stretch band face pull with opposite grip 4 12-15
superset 2.
2a. Dumbbell straight arm raises 3 12-15
3b. Prone dumbbell side planks 3 12-15
superset 3.
3a. Alternating seals dumbbell row 3 8-10
3b. Push-ups 3 12-15
superset 4.
4a. Elastic band abduction 2 12-15
4b. Plank support 2 30 seconds

barbell sumo hard pull
day 4: Lower body training
exercises sets reps
barbell sumo pull 4 8-10
single leg romanian hard pull 4 10-20
tri sets.
A. Stretch band glute bridge 2 15-20
b. Stretch band dead bug movements 2 6-12
c. Kettlebell arrow squat 2 12-15

hard barbell pull
whatever the training technique, it requires a balanced coordination of muscles to build important muscle groups throughout the body and make yourself stronger.