
Yoga, like other sports, can be injured, so it's important to learn how to avoid yoga injuries. The following tips you must know.

1, warm up: Warming up has many benefits. In addition to helping you avoid back injuries, warming up increases your muscles and body temperature, which promotes flexibility and minimizes the chances of overexertion. In addition, warming up will lubricate your joints and allow your body to better practice various yoga poses.

2, never exceed your limits - you should breathe through your nose during yoga practice. If you have to breathe through your mouth, then you have probably exceeded your limits and it's time to take a break. Also, if you find yourself shaking uncontrollably, can no longer focus on the poses, and can't breathe properly, then you have definitely exceeded your limits. Another sign that you have exceeded your threshold is when you feel less coordinated in certain parts of your body or when you feel pain.

3, know the technique of asana alignment - you should be aware of whether the yoga postures are aligned and whether it is possible to practice the asanas correctly, some people have joint and muscle restrictions. Some people have mental or emotional limitations. Therefore, you need to know yourself - understand your limitations in order to avoid going beyond your ability.

4, stick to positive thinking - you should always listen to your inner voice and every muscle associated with it. If you find a pose too strenuous, stop and don't push it outside your comfort zone. Yoga is about improving your health, not destroying it.

5, consider using assistive devices. Assistive devices allow you to experience the desired stretch of the pose, even if your body is not capable of achieving the stretch. Aids adjust the gap between joints and other parts of the body to prevent overexertion and reduce unnecessary stress on the body.

6, look for professional guidance: While there are plenty of free videos online on how to prevent yoga injuries. However, an experienced yoga instructor. Can follow your practice, provide you with guidance and help you solve problems as needed. Take the time to research and find the right yoga teacher for your individual needs.

While yoga has many benefits, such as reducing stress, anxiety and tension and increasing strength and flexibility, it can lead to many injuries if you don't practice yoga in the right way.

The most common yoga injuries include lower back, wrist, hip, elbow, neck, shoulder, hamstring and knee injuries. For example, if you put a lot of weight on your wrists, you could end up with a strained wrist.

Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent yoga injuries. Maintain stability from the base of the pose to prevent incorrect alignment. Remember to warm up, understand proper alignment, and always stay within your limits.