
if there is a large real-life scene in training, it must be leg training.
It's not often that you hear someone say from the bottom of their heart that they love leg training and that it's a nightmare. But the law of true aroma is that those who once didn't love leg training discover the benefits of leg training and hate to squat every day.

why is leg work important? Lower body muscle groups make up 70% of the muscles in the whole body, meaning ......
Building muscle
deep squats and hard pulls will definitely give you huge muscle growth as it increases testosterone in the body, which is a natural steroid that means big chunks of meat can be grown.

compound movements are key to leg workouts as they involve a large number of muscle groups and help to increase your testosterone levels. It affects not just the lower body, but the whole body.
Burn more calories
the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body and training it requires a lot of energy, which means you'll burn more calories.
Research in the journal of applied physiology showed that within hours of stopping training, the metabolic rate of athletes who had performed a 90-minute compound workout such as squats and hard pulls increased exponentially.

building strength
when you try to pull hard, the body recruits the abdominal and leg muscles. So if you are trying to lift heavy weights, thicker legs will definitely help you lift bigger weights.

because the body will have more strength, there is less risk of injury during the workout. You are spending 90% of your time in the upper 30% of your muscles and it is recommended that you start with these six leg movements and spend more energy in your leg training.
Deep squats
the squat can be called the king of leg exercises and no leg workout is complete without it. The deep squat is a compound movement that puts tremendous stress on the quads, hamstrings and gluteus maximus.

deep squats
how to do the movement.
Place the barbell on your shoulders. Stand firmly with your feet shoulder-width apart. Sit down as if you were sitting in a chair until your hips are below knee height put your weight on your heels and drive your heels back to the starting position
arrow squat
arrow squats help improve lower body strength and mainly improve muscle imbalances. They are also a great movement for beginners to exercise.

arrow squat
how to do the movement.
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Take a step forward with your right leg, shifting your body weight forward so that your heel will land first. Lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right calf is perpendicular to the floor. Push up on your right heel and drive your body back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
Hard pull
the hard pull is another compound movement that strengthens the lower back, hamstrings, core, as well as the biceps and obliques.

hard pull
how to do the movement.
Bend down with your feet under the barbell and hold the bar with your grip shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees until your calves touch the barbell straighten your chest straighten your lower back take a deep breath, hold your breath and stand up with the weight loaded.
Leg raises
this movement works the overall legs, gluteus maximus, quadriceps and hamstrings. It can be an amazing complementary movement for the legs.

leg raises
how to do the movement.
Using a leg lift machine, sit on the machine and place your leg on the platform directly in front of you at a medium (shoulder width) leg spacing. Lower the fixed weight safety bar and push the platform upwards all the way until the legs are fully extended. Inhale and slowly lower the platform until the calves and thighs are at a 90 degree angle. Using mainly the heels and quads, exhale and push up the platform back to the starting position.
Leg flexion and extension
leg flexion and extension is a great complementary movement to leg exercises as it puts stress on the quadriceps, making the muscles bigger and more defined

leg flexion and extension
how to do the movement.
First, choose the right weight on the leg flexor machine, press your legs under the mat (feet forward) and hold the side bar with both hands. This is your starting position. The quadriceps fire and extend the legs to their maximum extent, making sure the rest of the body remains stationary on the seat. Hold in the contracted position for one second. Inhale and slowly lower the weight back to its original position. Ensure that you do not exceed the 90 degree restriction angle.
Leg curl
this is an isolation movement that is effective for both hamstrings and calf muscles. It is a must for every leg workout.

leg curl
how to do the movement.
Start by lying down flat on the machine, adjust the roller pads so they are behind your ankles and exhale, lifting your feet up smoothly, keeping your hips against the bench at all times. Bend your knees, inhale and bend your ankles as close to your hips as possible. Hold this position for a second, allowing yourself to ensure focus as you prepare to lower your legs. Return your feet to the starting position in a smooth, slow, controlled movement, inhaling fully.