
Many people have seen that whether it is anyone who shares their fat loss meal or fitness meal, there is always chicken breast as an ingredient here. Chicken breast seems to have become a standard part of the fitness diet, and many people wonder why chicken breast is so popular with gym goers. So why do you think a fitness diet should include chicken breast? Let's go to fitness food and find out!

High protein content

  The reason why chicken breast is popular is that, it has a high protein content, the ratio of protein to fat in chicken breast is 19:1, which is higher than any part of the chicken. The protein quality is also nothing less than beef, and is easily absorbed and utilized by the body to restore a source of nutrition for the muscles after working out. It also contains a lot of iron, which is good for maintaining a good metabolism, whether you are building muscle or losing fat.


  Low calorie

  100 grams of chicken breast (skinless) has only 105 calories; chicken thighs, sounds lean enough, right? 130 calories for 100 grams; chicken wings, 290 calories for 100 grams. Here are the calories of raw meat. If it is boiled in plain water, the calories will basically remain the same. If it is fried or deep-fried, the calories will only be higher, not lower. Therefore, chicken breast is the part of the whole chicken with low calorie and fat content, which is very suitable for fitness people.

Low carb

  The key to fat loss is not to consume too much carbohydrate. Compared to rice, which has a whopping 76 grams per 100 grams, the single-digit carbohydrate content of chicken breast is almost negligible. This is why fitness gurus only eat white boiled eggs and chicken breasts in the process of fat loss and building six pack abs, because the carbohydrates in white boiled chicken breasts are so low as to be negligible.



  Although low in calories and low in carbohydrates, chicken breasts are satiating for a reason that is not hard to imagine, because the taste of chicken breasts from ordinary cooking is so woody that it is like chewing sugar cane. Fitness people confess that the taste of chicken breast is not really good, but chicken breast has a very strong sense of satiety, which is exactly what they need, fitness usually stimulates appetite, and eating a chicken breast can be maintained for 4 hours, so that people do not feel hungry, to avoid the occurrence of overeating.